The Howland Training Center offers an EMT-Basic course. This course provides the technical knowledge, practical skills, and monitored field experiences to prepare for entry into the pre-hospital healthcare field. Students will learn medical and trauma assessment, airway management, skills for emergency patient care and stabilization, pharmacological interventions, care reporting, procedures for moving and transporting patients and various other topics that are relevant to the field. An EMT candidate should possess leadership qualities, the ability to adapt to changing situations and good moral character. Good attendance is critical for this class. Quizzes and tests will be given throughout the course and students are required to maintain a passing grade at all times. This course is recognized by the Ohio Department of Public Safety and upon successful completion of the course and passing the National Registry exam; a student will be issued a card by the state of Ohio that will allow them to function as an EMT-Basic within the state of Ohio.
What EMTs and Paramedics Do
Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics care for the sick or injured in emergency medical settings. People’s lives often depend on their quick reaction and competent care. EMTs and paramedics respond to emergency calls, performing medical services and transporting patients to medical facilities.
Work Environment
Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics work both indoors and outdoors, in all types of weather. Their work is physically strenuous and can be stressful, sometimes involving life-or-death situations and patients who are suffering.
How to Become an EMT or Paramedic
All EMTs and paramedics must complete a formal training program. All states require EMTs and paramedics to be licensed; requirements vary by state.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, EMTs and Paramedics, on the Internet at (visited August 12, 2013).
EMT-Basic Course General Information
Prerequisite: Students may enter the program if they are at least 17 years old and in their final year of high school. All students are required to take an entry level placement test prior to being accepted into the program. This test will cover reading, mathematical computation, language, and spelling.
The test is given at the Howland Fire Department at 169 Niles Cortland Rd NE (near the intersection of Route 46 and E. Market). Park in the rear of the building and enter through the door located between the 2 garage doors. You will need to allow 1-1/2 hours to take the test. Please check the date that you are taking the pretest on your registration form and return. You may come in anytime between the hours shown above on Tuesdays and Thursday. There is no fee to take the test. Students are permitted to take the test twice.
NIMS: (National Incident Management System) Effective September 30, 2006, all EMS personnel must have NIMS courses IS-100.b and IS-700.a as mandated by the Department of Homeland Security pursuant to Homeland Security Directives HSPD-5 and HSPD-8. Students are responsible for obtaining both courses on-line at
There is no cost to take the courses. A Certificate of Completion will be emailed to you when you successfully complete each course. You must submit copies of your Certificates of Completions for both courses by the required dates shown on your class syllabus.
If you like, you may take these on-line courses prior to the start of class. If you have questions on how to take these courses, more information will be provided by your instructor when the class starts.
CPR: All students will be required to take a CPR (Professional Rescuer) course. The cost of this class is included in your registration fee. If you do not attend our class, you will be responsible for taking the course elsewhere and for the cost of the course.
Refund Policy: 100% - Withdrawal one (1) week prior to the start of class
50% - Approved withdrawal through the second week of class
0% - Withdrawal after the second week of class
No refund on books once they are used.
National Registry Test Date: Students who successfully complete the course, meet attendance requirements and demonstrate practical skill competency will be eligible to take the National Registry exam. The National Registry exam is only offered at Pearson Vue testing centers. The closest testing sites are in Beachwood (Cleveland area) and Bath (Akron area). The National Registry exam fee is $80.00 for each attempt. You will have 3 attempts to successfully pass the National Registry exam. This fee is payable directly to the National Registry and is not part of your registration fee.
Registration Deadline: Payment in full is due when you have passed the placement test making you eligible to take the course. Students are encouraged to submit their registration form and schedule their pretest as soon as possible.
Acceptance to the program will be determined by the placement test and receipt of payment or purchase order. Once payment is made you will be notified when you can pick up your textbook and workbook for the class.
Make checks or money orders payable in full to the Howland Training Center. Purchase orders will only be accepted from Fire Departments.