Welcome to the Howland Fire Department

In 1945 a group of business men started The Howland Volunteer Fire Department with one fire engine, one tanker truck and one emergency truck. In 1957 a levy was passed and two new stations were built and two new fire engines were purchased.

In 1960 the first full time fire chief and four dispatchers were hired. Throughout the sixties the dispatchers also became engineers and would drive the apparatus with the majority of the manpower coming from the volunteers. In those days the station was typically manned by 4 individuals during the day, including the chief, with one fire-fighter on afternoon and one fire-fighter on midnight.

In 1977 the department started the first paramedic program in Trumbull County. This required the hiring of more personnel to become paramedics. In 1978 the staffing was three or four on day turn, three on afternoons and one on midnight. Day turn and afternoon were staffed with a paramedic. With the advent of the paramedic service an increase in call volume occurred. Still the majority of personnel were volunteers.

In 1980 the department went to 24 hour staffing of four paid members. The chief and assistant chief worked day turn. Throughout the 80’s and 90’s the call volume continued to increase and the amount of people willing to volunteer decreased. This required the adding of more paid members. In the 1990’s the staffing was day turn: chief, assistant chief and fire inspector and 5 paid members for 24 hours. The volunteers were still an important group to supplement the paid members.

In 1994 part time paid members were added to supplement day turn staffing when volunteer numbers were low. In 2000 the paid staffing increased to six. Four individuals working 24 hours with the chief, assistant chief and inspector during the day with the volunteers being utilized as needed. Today the Howland Fire Department consists of 25 fulltime members 22 working a 24 on 48 off schedule. 10 to15 part-time members and 21 to 25 volunteer members with 2 of the 3 stations being manned 24 hrs. The department handled 2729 calls in 2007.

The Howland Fire Department, built on a strong foundation, has continued to grow and provide the community with the protection and services necessary to make the township a safe place to live.


Legal Notice - Bid Opening



Full-Time Professional Firefighter / Paramedic 


Announcement  Application

Required Backgound Check Information: Trumbull County Sheriff's Department


Part-Time Firefighter / EMT / Paramedic 

Announcement  Application

Required Backgound Check Information: Trumbull County Sheriff's Department