Fiscal Officer / Finance: Financial Report
Howland Township’s financial report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021 and has been filed with the Auditor of the State of Ohio. Copies may be requested by contacting the Howland Township Finance office at 330-856-2340.
During 2021, Howland Township continued to experience a decline in revenue in Intergovernmental receipts which was due to a reduction of local government funding. Additional monies were received through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA Funds). The following is a comparison of the total operating receipts, expenditures, ending cash balances and encumbrances for the years 2020 and 2021:
Calendar Year 2021 | Calendar Year 2020 | |
Total Receipts | $10,887,770.36 | $10,945,819.06 |
Total Expenditures | $9,637,220.24 | $9,844,726.79 |
Ending Cash Balance | $4,155,813.94 | $2,905,091.82 |
Reserve for Encumbrances | $30,532.04 | $36,689.05 |
For the year of 2021, the Amended Official Certificate of Estimated Resources certified for Howland Township totals $13,324,081.58 and was appropriated as follows:
General Fund | 1,675,395.95 |
Motor Vehicle License Tax | 48,000.00 |
Gas Tax Fund | 370,000.00 |
Road and Bridge Fund | 2,085,290.04 |
Cemetery Fund | 70,163.00 |
Cemetery Chapel Fund | 1,923.97 |
Police District Fund | 2,070,734.49 |
Fire District Fund | 3,113,844.42 |
Drug Law Enforcement Fund | 8,000.00 |
Local Fiscal Recovery Fund | 859,901.45 |
Ambulance & Emergency Medical Fund | 626,000.00 |
Howland Fire & EMS Training Fund | 130,450.00 |
FEMA-Assistance to Firefighters Grant | 40.50 |
Fire Loss & Demolition Ins. Acct. | 0.00 |
2017 Paving Program | 128,019.54 |
Howland 2013 Culvert Replacement | 190,033.39 |
Golden Triangle Wetland | 1,691.48 |
EDA Planning Grant - Golden Triangle | 0.00 |
High/Willow Ped. Sidewalk | 189,114.00 |
54" Storm Sewer Emergency Replacement -OPWC | 1,705.30 |
Rosegarden Storm Sewer | 0.00 |
Moquito Dreek Wet Ext -OWPC | 0.00 |
EDA Care Act | 8,134.25 |
Total | $11,578,441.78 |